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Playing With / No Infantile Amnesia

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Basic Trope: A character remembers things that happened to them during their infancy

  • Straight: Alice remembers things she did when she was only a month old.
  • Exaggerated:
    • Alice remembers when she was a zygote.
    • Alice still remembers the day she was born even while in her 90's.
  • Downplayed:
    • While Alice does remember events from when she was a baby, her recollection is still somewhat hazy.
    • Alice can't remember incidents from when she was a baby, but some incidents from when she was about 2, even though many adults' first childhood memories were from when they were closer to 3 or 4.
  • Justified:
    • Alice is a member of a super-intelligent race that has better memory than humans.
    • Alice was a Brainy Baby and is therefore able to remember things that happened during her infancy in addition to being very intelligent and able to speak when she was in diapers.
    • The events were that traumatic.
  • Inverted:
    • Alice foresees visions of her adult life when she's a baby.
    • Alice does not remember anything before adulthood.
  • Subverted:
    • Alice is asked if she remembers someone she only met as a baby and she replies that she doesn't.
    • Alice tells a story about something that she did as a baby. However, it turns out that she doesn't personally remember this story, and has instead been told by family members.
  • Double Subverted: She then reveals that she does remember another person she encountered as an infant.
  • Parodied: After she's older, Alice asks her father about something he talked about when she was only three weeks old.
  • Zig-Zagged: Sometimes Alice remembers what happened during her infancy accurately and sometimes she has no idea whether something happened or not.
  • Averted: Nobody remembers their infancy.
  • Enforced: This can be done as a justification for showing flashbacks taking place during a character's infancy and shown from said character's perspective.
  • Lampshaded: "You must have pretty good memory to be able to remember the first thing your parents said when you were born."
  • Invoked: Memory-enhancing drugs are administered to infants so that they won't forget anything that happens to them at that age.
  • Exploited: Parents teach their babies everything they want them to know in hopes that their ability to remember the information when they're older will turn them into Child Prodigies.
  • Defied: Babies are administered methods of preventing them from remembering anything about their lives until their second birthday.
  • Discussed: "It's kind of improbable that anyone can accurately remember what happened during their infancy."
  • Conversed: "Yeah, especially since babies don't have a full understanding of how the world around them works yet."
  • Implied: Alice decides to write an entire memoir about her life and readers state how impressed they are with the amount of detail given in the chapters about her birth and early childhood.
  • Deconstructed: Because Alice remembers everything that happened when she was a baby, that includes memories where her parents unwittingly did things that made her fear for her life.
  • Reconstructed: Alice also remembers her parents comforting her whenever she cried and protecting her whenever they saw the first sign of trouble.
  • Played For Laughs: Alice claims to have learned a joke from her grandmother before she learned to walk.
  • Played For Drama: Alice has been traumatized for life because she's haunted by her memories of misfortunes she suffered as an infant.

Back to No Infantile Amnesia, where we can continue reminiscing about our baby years.
