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Playing With / Insecure Love Interest

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Basic Trope: A love interest who feels unworthy of their significant other's affection.

  • Straight: Alice feels her significant other, Bob, deserves better than her.
  • Exaggerated:
    • Alice actively pushes for Bob to date someone else, feeling he'd be better off without her.
    • Alice feels like she doesn't deserve to be in any relationship.
  • Downplayed:
  • Justified:
    • Bob is The Ace and a pretty Nice Guy. Alice, while nice, doesn't have the same talents.
    • Alice is keeping a secret from Bob, and fears he won't see her the same way if that secret comes to light.
  • Inverted: Entitled to Have You
  • Subverted: Alice is playing up an act of feeling underserving to get Bob's attention.
  • Double Subverted: However, after the fact, she feels awful about guilt tripping him, and the insecurity becomes real.
  • Zig Zagged: Alice is insecure about Bob's affections, but only when she's having a rough time.
  • Averted: Alice feels secure in her relationship with Bob.
  • Enforced: Alice's insecurities were introduced to the plot to respond to fans thinking Bob could do better.
  • Invoked: Dana, wanting Bob to herself, stirs doubts in Alice's mind about Bob deserving better.
  • Exploited: Dana accelerates preexisting doubts in Alice to try and cause a breakup.
  • Defied: Alice rejects the notion that she isn't good enough for Bob. If that were true, she reasons, they'd have broken up by now.
  • Discussed: "Hey Bob, I know I'm not as good as you, and can be a downer sometimes, so if you'd rather break up, I understand."
  • Conversed: (Directed at the TV) "No Alice! Why do you doubt yourself so much? Bob adores you, and I wish you'd see that more."
  • Implied: Alice and Bob are a couple, but she frowns whenever they hug.
  • Deconstructed: Alice's insecurities about Bob cause her to look on the inside. She analyses and deconstructs everything that's wrong with her; Looking at why she feels she's so inadequate for Bob. With this new information, she goes on a self improvement journey to become adequate for Bob.
  • Reconstructed: And of course, whatever Alice does good, Charlie can do better, thus reinforcing and reconstructing those feelings of insecurity within Alice.
  • Played For Laughs: Alice's insecurities cause her to make grand, albeit ineffective, gestures to show her love for Bob.
  • Played For Drama: Alice's doubts about being good for Bob bring her a great deal of sorrow, and possibly drive a wedge in between them.

Go back to the unabridged version HERE, I don't deserve you...
