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Playing With / Full-Name Basis

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Basic Trope: Someone insists on only being called by their full name.

  • Played Straight: Alice Marie Tully wants to only be called that. Never just "Alice" or "Ms. Tully" or anything else.
  • Exaggerated Trope: She has the Overly Long Name of "Professor Alice Adrienne Marie Louise Erica Zelda Tully" and insists on being called exactly that all the time.
  • Downplayed Trope: She wants to be called "Alice Tully" but doesn't mind if people leave out the "Marie".
  • Justified Trope:
    • The Tully family are very proud of their origins and Alice's middle name comes from some inspirational person named "Marie". As such, Alice Marie Tully feels like her whole name is important.
    • Charlie doesn't like Bob Smith very much; he's not close enough to call him 'Bob', nor does he respect him enough to call him Mr. Smith – calling Bob by 'Robert Smith' is the best way to convey his dislike through a cold sort of indifference, as the social setting doesn't allow for more petty expressions of dislike.
    • There are two Alices in town, and Alice Marie Tully wants to differentiate herself.
  • Inverted Trope: She only wants to be called "A".
  • Subverted Trope:
    • She then gets a doctorate and starts going by "Dr. Tully".
    • She then asks Bob to call her "Alice".
  • Double Subversion:
    • But when she's being "casual", she insists on being called "Alice Marie Tully" instead of plain "Alice".
    • But that's only because she wants to be in a relationship with him.
  • Parodied Trope: Alice Marie Tully kills anyone who doesn't use her full name.
  • Zig-Zagging Trope: She frequently changes her mind about who can call her what and in which situations.
  • Averted Trope: She just goes by "Alice" unless the situation is formal.
  • Enforced Trope: ???
  • Lampshade Hanging: "There's people who insist on being called their given names, then there's those weirdos who insist on their surnames... and then, there's Alice Marie Tully."
  • Invoked Trope: Her parents tell her to insist on her full name for whatever reason.
  • Exploited Trope: She uses this to differentiate from other "Alice Tully"s there might be.
  • Defied Trope: "Just call me Alice."
  • Discussed Trope: "I had to work with this weirdo who insisted on being called by her full name."
  • Conversed Trope: "How come it's never just 'Alice' with that character? Always 'Alice Marie Tully'."
  • Played For Laughs: Nobody can get Alice's full name straight.
  • Played For Drama: She gets severely injured, and Bob stumbles over his words trying to say, "Alice Marie Tully needs medical attention!"

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