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Playing With / Flirtatious Smack on the Ass

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Basic Trope: Showing attraction to someone by slapping them on the butt.

  • Straight: Bob sees Alice coming by and slaps her rear after deciding he's attracted to her.
  • Exaggerated:
    • Bob holds Alice down to subject her to Kinky Spanking.
    • Bob slaps a whole bunch of attractive women on their backsides.
  • Downplayed: Bob gropes Alice's derriere briefly.
  • Justified:
    • Bob is a total horndog who doesn't respect boundaries and hasn't the slightest clue how to be nice to women.
    • Bob is married to Alice and Alice has made it clear that she's okay with her husband slapping her behind.
  • Inverted:
  • Subverted: Bob looks like he's going to slap Alice's ass, but instead flirts with her.
  • Double Subverted: Alice slaps Bob in the ass instead.
  • Parodied: Alice places a steel trap on her caboose to cause pain to any man who dares to place a hand there without her consent.
  • Averted: No one gets slapped on their behind.
  • Zigzagged: Bob slaps some women in the rear while never doing so with others.
  • Enforced: "We want to show that Bob is a sexist asshole, and I'm sure the most effective way of showing that would be to have him slap a woman on her butt."
  • Lampshaded: "Keep your hands to yourself, pervert! Finding my booty attractive doesn't entitle you to slap me there!"
  • Invoked: Bob and Alice are engaging in roleplay, and it so happens Alice wants Bob to play the part of a sexist jerk slapping her on the heiny.
  • Defied: Alice makes it clear she'll file a restraining order on anyone who tries this kind of thing on her.
  • Discussed: "That's not cool, Bob. How would you like it if you were the one getting a smack on the caboose without consent?"
  • Conversed: "That guy would be in serious trouble if he tried courting females that way in real life."
  • Implied: We don't see the ass-slapping actually happen, but the action is suggested by cutting away as Bob places his hand near Alice's butt and we hear Alice react to her personal space being violated.
  • Deconstructed: Bob's habit of slapping women in their butts leaves him up to his neck in sexual harassment suits and causes everyone to shun him for being a skeeve.

Give that woman a Flirtatious Smack on the Ass and you'll be branded a misogynist creep for life!
