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Playing With / Fartillery

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Basic Trope: Farting as a weapon.

  • Straight: Gaston intentionally overeats, and has flatulence toxic enough to knock out everyone else in the room.
  • Exaggerated: Gaston's flatulence is so potent that it kills everyone that smells it. It's also expelled with sufficient force to act like a small hurricane. To top it off, the flatulence is very flammable to the point that any kind of spark with make it burst into a massive wildfire.
  • Downplayed: Gaston's flatulence smells incredibly unpleasant, but it only clears the room at worst.
  • Justified:

    • Gaston lives in a setting where any other weapon he could get his hands on would be confiscated by the law-enforces and the Powers That Be present in the world he inhabits, so he must rely on his god-forsaken bio-chemical weapon of mass destruction that he just so happens to be able to use the lower end of his gastro-intestinal and digestive systems of his body as.
    • Gaston is a Smelly Skunk.

  • Inverted: Gaston's farts have healing properties.
  • Subverted: ???
  • Double Subverted: ???
  • Parodied: Gaston's farts get the full Dragon Ball-style Shonen Anime Ki Attack treatment.
  • Zig Zagged: ???
  • Averted: Gaston farts a lot and it's highly unpleasant by itself, but it's not "weapons-grade" unpleasant.
  • Enforced: Toilet Humor
  • Lampshaded: "How the heck you just defeated someone with farting!?"
  • Implied: Gaston's Establishing Character Moment is him being surrounded by hundreds of enemy ninjas and him grinning, then cutting to the outside of the building to see humongous green gas clouds suddenly come flying from every entry point accompanied by an extremely loud fart sound.
  • Invoked: Gaston, knowing that he farts a lot, primarily eats foods that cause large amounts of (and increase the unpleasantness of the smell of) gas in order to keep his "secret weapon" at top shape.
  • Exploited: Evulz captures and force-feeds him with tremendous amounts of beans and cauliflower, in order to turn him into a biological and reusable weapon of mass destruction.
  • Defied: Gaston seeks medical help to help him get rid of his bowel's absurd potency.
  • Discussed: ???
  • Conversed: ???
  • Deconstructed: Gaston is a very unpleasant individual to be around through no fault of his own (most of the time) and people tend to stay well the hell away from him.
  • Played For Laughs: Whenever Gaston farts, it's usually given an Airplane!-style disaster film spoof treatment, including people handing gas masks and ear protection and ordering others to duck and cover.
  • Played For Drama: Gaston's friends are completely torn up whether or not to continue considering him a friend (or even acquaintance) considering how embarrassing it is to have a chronic farter around (let alone what his farts can actually do, which is one of the reasons they are still undecided — it's saved their asses more than once).
  • Played For Horror: Gaston is one of the world's deadliest terrorists, because his method of destruction is Refuge in Audacity itself — who could expect a man to be able to kill people with his farts?

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