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Playing With / Confronting Your Imposter

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Basic Trope: Someone ends up being caught by the person they're trying to impersonate.

  • Straight: Alex tries to impersonate King Bob. However, he ends up running into the real King Bob.
  • Exaggerated:
    • Every time Alex tries to impersonate anyone, he encounters the real deal, who promptly sees through his disguise.
    • After he's called out, Alex tries to call the actual King Bob the impostor.
  • Downplayed: Alex tries to falsely claim that he's a relative or good friend of King Bob. King Bob sees through this, because he doesn't know who Alex is.
  • Justified: Alex didn't quite think his plan through and didn't realize the possibility of running into the real King Bob.
  • Inverted: Alex deliberately seeks out Bob to accuse him of being an impersonator. It may or may not work out for him.
  • Subverted: It turns out Alex actually ran into another impersonator.
  • Double Subverted: But then Alex runs into the real King Bob, who he then assumes is a third impersonator.
  • Parodied: Alex puts on a Paper-Thin Disguise of King Bob, and when the real king calls him out on it, Alex claims that King Bob is the impostor... and people actually believe him!
  • Zig-Zagged: ???
  • Averted: Alex doesn't impersonate King Bob.
  • Enforced: "Everyone loves King Bob's actor. Having him double-cast would be fun for them." "We could make him run into an imposter, then?" "Sounds great!"
  • Lampshaded: "You know, I probably should have anticipated I'd run into the real king."
  • Invoked: Charlie finds out Alex is an imposter, but rather than expose him immediately, he arranges him to run into King Bob for a more humiliating defeat.
  • Exploited: King Bob finds Alex's impression Actually Pretty Funny and offers him a jester job.
  • Defied:
    • Alex keeps close tabs on the real King Bob at all times and carefully arranges them to never be in the same place at the same time. King Bob eventually suspects there might be an imposter but can never catch him.
    • Alex outright kidnaps or kills King Bob before attempting to impersonate him.
  • Discussed: ???
  • Conversed: "You know, if this character disguises as the king to try to enter the royal palace, did he ever really consider that he's probably going to run into the king at some point?"
  • Deconstructed: King Bob foolishly confronts Alex alone. Alex had nothing against King Bob before, but now that he's a threat, he murders him and takes his place.
  • Reconstructed: King Bob confronts Alex with a full entourage of guards. Alex knows he's beat.
  • Implied: An episode ends with a cliffhanger as King Bob confronts a seemingly identical man. Then this isn't followed up on.

You're not Confronting Your Imposter... because that's me!
