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Playing With / Cerebus Rollercoaster

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Basic Trope: The tone and mood of a story fluctuate multiple times through its entire run.

  • Straight: Troper Adventures mixes darker episodes with lighter ones.
  • Exaggerated: Troper Adventures switches from dark to light every scene, taking place in an outright Sugar Apocalypse.
  • Downplayed: Troper Adventures has minor fluctuations in tone, but nothing noticeable.
  • Justified:
    • “Troper Adventures has a wide variety of plotlines and characters. If they all had the same tone the story could come across as flat.
    • The show's staff is diversely talented. Some excel at writing drama and romance while others excel at writing comedy and fight scenes.
  • Inverted:
    • Troper Adventures has no variation in tone whatsoever.
    • ”Troper Adventures” is always wildly changing its characters, setting, themes, plot, and art style, but the tone remains consistent throughout.
  • Subverted: Troper Adventures adds Mr.Nightmare to the plot, but the tone stays the same.
  • Double Subverted: Later it gets darker moments mixed with comedic ones.
  • Parodied: Troper Adventures will intercut the Bobby’s slow and agonizing death with a highly choreographed pie fight and dance sequence.
  • Zig Zagged: Some arcs are pretty consistent in tone, but any arc involving Mr.Nightmare swings wildly in tone.
  • Averted: Troper Adventures keeps a consistent tone.
  • Enforced: The network is making them keep changing tone to appeal to multiple audiences.
  • Lampshaded: "Why can't we stick to one tone? Joe cancel our dark, gritty adventure that will come after this slice of life antic!"
  • Invoked: Bobby and Mr. Nightmare can’t agree whether to go on fun and silly adventures or dark and frightening ones, so they agree to alternate.
  • Exploited: In Troper Adventures, Bobby knows that since there was a lighthearted adventure before, the next one will involve lots of pain and suffering, so he tries to prepare.
  • Defied: Through extensive planning and guile, Pluck makes it his sole duty in life to keep the tone of his friends’ adventures light and humorous.
  • Discussed: ???
  • Conversed: "So is this the episode where the mom dies of cancer or the one where Bobby buys a robot?" “Both.”
  • Deconstructed: Bobby and friends are well aware of the Mood Whiplash that they constantly find themselves at the mercy of. This wears on their mood until even their most lighthearted adventures have a sense of deep dread and anxiety hanging over them.

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