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Nightmare Fuel / Oz the Great and Powerful

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Oh, Oscar, we truly AREN'T in Kansas anymore...


  • The true form of Evanora, Wicked Witch of the East, a hideous and decrepit old crone.
  • The Flying Monkeys (bat-winged baboons here) got a major Nightmare Fuel upgrade. So did the (far less well known) Fighting Trees of Quadling Country, which the Wizard must pass through to reach Glinda.
    • To be precise there are now two types of flying monkeys: the cute, feathery, good ones (like Finley) and the aforementioned bat-winged baboons that serve the Witch.
      • If the movies stick with the books, they're not really evil.
    • Hopefully that should lessen the scares a bit. Thank god for Finley.
    • The flying baboons, at one point in the climax, attack a bunch of "warriors," shredding them to pieces. They were only scarecrows, but at one point a baboon tears out one's throat. Thank Glinda for planning ahead.
  • The poor China Girl before Oz and Finley find her in China Town. Surrounded by her shattered family, and unable to move... she must have been terrified.
  • On a related note, the moment when Oz picks up a piece of china, only to discover it's the face of one of the broken denizens. He doesn't know much about the land of Oz and its magic, but he knows just enough to realise that something horrific has happened here. This is particularly horrifying when you remember that in at least some of Baum's books, no one in Oz can actually die. So either the China village citizens were all destroyed, or they were stuck in pieces, unable to move or help themselves, until someone (probably Glinda) glued them back together again.
    • This actually makes perfect canon sense; in the movie the China Country is just a regular village, in the original book it was hidden inside a massive china bowl you could only enter by climbing a ladder. Seems like Glinda gave extra precautions to help avoid another tragedy.
    • The destruction of China Town is even creepier when you take in mind the theory that the 1939 movie was a metaphor for World War 2, with Dorothy as a reluctant America and the Wicked Witch as Hitler. Add in the shadows of the flying baboons cast on the devestated town, and it looks a lot like a bombed-out city from that period.
  • Theodora's transformation. She tried so hard to repress her dark side.
    • The moment when her transformation finishes offscreen, her green arm popping up and clawing the table. And we see Evanora of all people looking freaked out every time she's around Theodora. "Oh, dear" indeed.
  • In-Universe Example: The "true form" of the great and powerful Oz scares the crap out of Evanora to the point where she flees in terror.
  • The Dark Forest. The eyes... THOSE GODDAMN PLANTS...
    • See above. The Fighting Trees were a pretty major hindrance in original Wizard of Oz book (luckily defanged by Nick Chopper's axe), but the movie version of them is just plain creepy.
    • Before they even enter the Dark Forest, our heroes are welcomed by two crows who, rather than normal cawing, squawk out what sounds a lot like the promise "You'll die! You'll die!"
  • Evanora torturing Glinda.
  • When running through the forest, Oscar accidentally bumps into Finley and sends the China Girl flying into the air. She screams in genuine fear for someone to catch her, and it's an unnerving reminder of how she has to spend her days in fear of being broken, or worse smashed into pieces.
