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Nightmare Fuel / Mickey's House of Villains

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Being a Halloween Special, House of Villains does have some nightmare fuel, be it from the shorts or the framing animation.

For Donald Duck And The Gorilla, see Classic Disney Shorts. For other shorts, see House of Mouse.

  • The prologue has some pretty creepy, atmospheric music as the title card plays. The sky is purple-red, and the moon is bright orange, setting a very ominous atmosphere.
  • The villains marching into the House is a bit frightening, even if Piglet and Bambi appear among them.
  • Minnie notes that there seems to be a large amount of villains attending the House, which is a frightening concept if it was played straight (we see Frollo, Chernabog, and Maleficent in one place, for one).

  • Jafar promises the villains that they'll put their plan into action soon. The swinging hourglass in front of Mickey signifies that the mouse's time is almost up.
  • "It's Our House Now!" is a fun showstopper, but it's still the Disney Villains overwhelming and capturing the collective heroes of Disney. Mickey and Minnie and their inner circle are kicked out while the heroes are locked in the kitchen. The look on Mickey and Minnie's face and the music really pounds in that they lost.
  • It's a mostly comedic moment, but when Mickey, Donald and Goofy try to retake the House, Jafar snaps his fingers and Hades, Ursula, and Chernabog arrive as his security.
  • The newly rechristened House of Villains also has a creepy, pinkish and smoky atmosphere that's pretty dark.
