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Nightmare Fuel / Everybody Loves Large Chests

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  • Doppelgängers reproduce by infecting a pregnant woman, turning the fetus into one of them.
  • Keira's suggestion that they use the advancing army of 30,000 humans as fertilizer for the dryad quintuplets is this for Faehorn. Until then he had always seen her as his personal disciple, an adorable, innocent, upbeat girl who loved life and healed other's hearts with her cuteness. It gets worse for him because her preexisting hatred seems have been amplified due to the implied rape she suffered at the hands of the human army after being captured during a mission.
  • A psychotic shapeshifter traps a woman it has been unnaturally obsessed with inside itself in order to keep her as a prisoner/pet/plaything for the rest of her life. It plans to force-feed her nutrients and water so she doesn't starve, and intends to mate with her so that the resulting offspring would one day take her place, essentially keeping her bloodline all to itself. Just so she would be 'safe.'
