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Nightmare Fuel / Between Yearning And Obsession

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  • First off, The Downer Beginning. We have a little girl covered in blood, then she meets Camille. She’s terrified and tries to back off, but the boy puts some sort of spell that makes her go to sleep. This was Julia’s childhood when she was 12 years old.
  • In the present day, the incident somehow forced her to have amnesia and rendered her mute, and she’s a lowly servant abused by her bosses and coworkers, but Camille dotes on her. Underneath the surface, he’s a Yandere and finds it arousing to watch her bullied just so she’ll cling onto him more.
  • Camille’s brother, Gregory, fullstop. If he’s not acting like he’s Axe-Crazy, practically towards Julia, then he’s trying to outright rape her. Good thing Camille catches him and puts him in his place.
  • One of the maids frames Julia for an incident, but Camille comes to her defense. How does the maid respond? By lying to her boss over what actually happened, resulting in Julia’s flogging and abandonment to the slums. If not for Glen, Julia would have certainly succumbed to her injuries.
  • Good news is that Julia is saved by a duke named Glen De Vestris, who quickly falls in love with her. The bad news? His stepmother does NOT want to give up her position as duchess and alerts Glen’s Yandere, Princess Ophelia. Julia is threaten by Ophelia into leaving Glen otherwise she’ll order her executed if she doesn’t take the hint.
  • When Julia wanders into the slums, she stumbles upon a drunken older man, who tries to force himself on her. But Camille just so happens to be in the area and punch him away. Julia was surprised how fast he went down, but Camille claimed it was just a “little” punch. When they ride off, we see a quick zoom in on the drunk, dead and bleeding heavily around his head.
  • The Toy Room. Everything about it. To start with, Camille arrives with Julia at his estate, but she’s terrified to enter since she’s a servant, but Camille tells her that won’t be an issue. He opens up a secret door, leading to the Toy Room. It’s just a single bed. But what finally sets it in for Julia is Camille caressing her neck… just so he’ll chain her up with a collar.
  • This is what finally makes her see Camille as the psycho he is, but Julia is terrified of getting in his bad side. As if things can’t get any worse, Gregory comes in and tries to rape Julia. Once again, Camille walks into the scene and beats his brother to a pulp and mysterious takes away his voice. But then Camille sets his sights on Julia, accusing HER of seducing Gregory and beats her bloody. He only stops when Julia tells him she loves him. Julia nearly pisses him off further when she pleads that she spare Gregory, but he agrees. Camille fixes Gregory’s voice but he warns him to back off from Julia unless he has a death wish.
  • When Marquess Lafayette invites Glen over to discuss the Arcana illness, Camille jumps to conclusions and accuses Julia of somehow alerting Glen to come get her. She’s utterly confused, then horrified the very instant Camille rips off the upper top of her dress. We don’t see the results, but it seems like Camille did the unthinkable to Julia.
  • Good think Glen secretly breaks in while Camille is away and saves Julia from her imprisonment. Once Camille comes back, he has a truly horrific Villainous Breakdown and vows to kill whoever stole away Julia from him. His Nightmare Face is definitely not for the faint of heart. It comes to no surprise that his reaction is the page-image.
