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Literature / An American In Berlin Redux

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An American in Berlin Redux is an work by Jim Smitty, the author of Gonna To Know We Were Here and United American Flight 817.

In this story, Alien Space Bats ISOT two people, a man and a woman, upon their deaths in 2019 to the bodies of German Crown Prince Wilhelm and Princess Dona in March, 1888, right before Kaiser Wilhelm I's death.

Germany stands at a crossroads. Their rise to statehood as ruffled many feathers, and many people would gladly see them fall. Kaiser Wilhelm II's reign in OTL is most remembered for as being the last German emperor before the Weimar Republic and later Nazi Germany. With all the economic, military, scientific, and social progress enjoyed by the 21st century couple, what can they do to prevent Germany's fall, and perhaps to guide Germany to greatness?

The story is currently on its third thread, the previous two being here and here.

This work provides examples of:

  • Berserk Button: God help anyone who tries to play chemical or biological warfare against the Germans. Germans ITTL will hit harder.
    • The French attempts to use chlorine gas in WWI on entrenched soldiers resulted in the Germans retaliating by saturating the French positions with a combination of chlorine gas and DM (alternate name for adamsite).
    • The British attempted to spread anthrax on the German city of Hamburg in an attempt to weaken German logistics. The Kaiser in turn ordered Birmingham saturated with sarin, killing it's entire populace.
    • The Russians, facing total collapse, deployed poison gas as well as a combination of typhus and tularemia infected lice. Considering that this was their second attempt at chemical warfare, this led to the Germans hitting three cities with sarin, along with the threat to use sarin exclusively.

  • The Coup: Attempted by Bismarck and the Junkers, a class of nobles being disempowered by SI!Wilhelm.
