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Heartwarming / Just Visiting

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  • Andre and Angelique share an adorable smile when they first meet.
  • While mostly a jerkass to those he considers beneath him, Thibault is a surprisingly sweet man around Rosalind and Julia.
    Thibault: (upon seeing her in her fancy dinner dress) Lady Julia. You are more than a rose. You are love's own flower.
  • While at the restaurant, everyone applauds when Thibault caves in and allows Andre to sit at the table like a normal human being.
  • When Julia's philandering, manipulative and greedy boyfriend Hunter attempts to explain to Thibault at the restaurant what he's having Julia do for the estate, Thibault says only Julia can decide what to do, which brings a smile to Julia's face. When asked directly by Thibault, she decides to think about it first rather than following Hunters plans.
  • When it looks like the wizard has been killed by one of his botched spells, Julia assures Thibault that she'll do everything she can to make him comfortable in the 21st century.
    • Thibault then proceeds to teach her how to fight with a sword to instill some confidence in her.
  • While out spending money gained through selling one of the gems Andre had previously stolen in the past. The pair spend the rest of the day having fun throughout the city of Chicago.
    • While at a dance club, Andre is nice to a waitress having a bad day. Then he, Angelique and the waitress start a conga line.
