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Heartwarming / Hairspray

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The 2007 film has its own page.

The 1988 film

  • Seaweed manages to break Penny free from her family for good so they can be together, even running in plain sight of Penny's dad at home.
    • The film really shows off the whole family dynamic between Wilbur, Edna, and Tracy after she gets in the Corny Collins show. Her family is really supportive of her all the way up to the end, when she has to be freed from the reformatory to get her crown back from Amber in the Miss Auto Show '63.
  • While Corny isn't as nice as his 2007 version, he and his assistant Tammy note that "the kids don't care" about keeping the show segregated. In the same conversation, Corny and Tammy refer to Maybelle as their friend while pleading for their boss to integrate the show.
  • The other prisoners, and even the guard, at the reform school cheer for Tracy when she wins the Auto Show vote.

The 2002 musical

  • "Good Morning Baltimore" has a heartwarming tone to it, because the audience is introduced to an overweight, good-hearted girl who has so much confidence in herself.
  • Wilbur and Edna's duet, "You're Timeless to Me".
    "When I need a lift, time brings a gift, another day with you."
  • Doubled as a funny moment. When Link shows up at the Turnblad residence seeking Tracy, Edna welcomes him in when he says he can’t eat and offers to cook something for him. Something else to note is this is after the protest, and Edna doesn’t seem to resent Link for not joining Tracy in the protest.
  • The Von Tussles making a Heel–Face Turn in the musical, accepting defeat and the fact that "they can't stop the beat", instead joining in dancing and having fun with everyone else (who unanimously ask them to, which is heartwarmingly generous after all the bad things the Von Tussles had done to them.)
  • Also in the original, Maybelle and Li'l Inez managing to have the governor let Tracy be freed from the reformatory so she can get to the Auto Show to give Amber a run for her money. Her dancing towards the Auto Show with a lot of her supporters really sells it!
  • Without Love, especially in the stage musical. Is it a little cheesy sometimes? Yes. Will it bring a smile to your face and make your heart swell up? Absolutely.
  • When Inez wins the pageant Maybelle can be heard saying something that sounds like That's my baby. In general, Seaweed and Maybelle are overjoyed seeing her win.
