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Heartwarming / Derek

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  • Derek's date. A more cynical production would have set him up with someone above or below his status and watch the conflict, but he actually has a very nice time, and so does she. They're incredibly adorable together.
    • The Christmas Special shows that they've become long-term boyfriend and girlfriend, and their storyline focuses on them spending the night together for the first time. They literally just go to bed in separate twin beds. Kev finds the wrapper to the condom he gave Derek the next day. Turns out Derek blew it up like a balloon and Sharpied a picture of a cat on it as a going-away present to her.
  • Derek's father being found to have passed away. Hannah very quietly visits him early in the morning and finds Derek sitting beside him, who simply states that he's died. But rather than the sombre moments when previous residents have died, Derek declares that he's okay, and that he was happy that his dad died knowing he still had family and a son who loved him.
  • Kev's relationship with Derek; while moderately caring toward others, he's found to be fairly loathsome by their perception because of his lecherous, often disgusting wats, and only Derek sees the genuine goodness at his core. For such faith, Derek is rewarded with a man who genuinely tries to look out for him when he's picked on, tries to help him find a date, who makes him a sculpture of his favourite dog, and who teaches him to ride a bike and provides him with company at a time when others can't. Kev also only agrees not to drink himself to death, for all intents and purposes, because of Derek, in a moment that becomes a genuine Tear Jerker.
  • Towards the end of the second series' finale, Geoff (after nearly getting choked out by Derek after pushing over Kev) seemingly goes through some form of character development, as shown when he offers to make the residents a cup of tea, shares a heartwarming moment with Vicky, and is shown to be acting much kinder towards the residents and staff members then he previously did.
