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Heartwarming / Beren and Lúthien

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  • Although Finrod dies as fighting a werewolf, his soul goes back to Valinor, where he will be reembodied and reunited with his lover Amarië and his family.
    They buried the body of Felagund upon the hill-top of his own isle, and it was clean again; and the green grave of Finrod Finarfin's son, fairest of all the princes of the Elves, remained inviolate, until the land was changed and broken, and foundered under destroying seas. But Finrod walks with Finarfin his father beneath the trees in Eldamar.
  • After being rescued from Sauron's dungeons, Beren tries to convince Lúthien to go back home as he continues the quest. Lúthien replies that Doriath is no longer her home and she will not return unless he is standing by her side.
  • Beren, determined to carry on the quest he is sure will kill him, sings farewell to the world before crossing the barren plains south of Angband. His final lines strike most deep:
    "Farewell sweet earth and northern sky,
    for ever blest, since here did lie,
    and here with lissom limbs did run
    beneath the moon, beneath the sun,
    Lúthien Tinúviel
    more fair than mortal tongue can tell.
    Though all to ruin fell the world,
    and were dissolved and backward hurled
    unmade into the old abyss,
    yet were its making good, for this—
    the dawn, the dusk, the earth, the sea—
    that Lúthien on a time should be!"
  • Beren slips away as Lúthien is sleeping, expecting Huan will take her back Doriath where she will be safe as he heads towards Angband. Instead, Huan lets Lúthien ride him again. They manage to catch up with Beren, and Huan speaks for the second time to convince Beren that he cannot keep Lúthien "safe" because she has made the choice to remain always by his side, and he must respect her wishes:
    Huan: "From the shadow of death you can no longer save Lúthien, for by her love she is now subject to it. You can turn from your fate and lead her into exile, seeking peace in vain while your life lasts. But if you will not deny your doom, then either Lúthien, being forsaken, must assuredly die alone, or she must with you challenge the fate that lies before you—hopeless, yet not certain."
  • While this was only a side effect of Lúthien's sleep spell, she does grant Morgoth one last respite from his self-inflicted misery.
  • When Beren and Lúthien go back to Doriath, and Beren declares he has fullfilled his vow, Thingol speaks to Beren kindly for the first time. As he listens to their story, Thingol finally accepts their relationship, and both heroes get married.
  • Carcharoth and Huan fight to the death and meet their foretold Doom. Before dying, Huan speaks for the third and final time to say Beren farewell. Beren answers by putting his hand on the head of the loyal hound, and they pass away.
  • After her husband's death, Lúthien passes away and her spirit flies to the Halls of Mandos, where she sings to Námo the saddest song ever made about the pain of Elves and Men. The inexorable Doomsman is moved to tears for the first and only time, and he summons Beren. As Beren and Lúthien meet again beyond the Western Sea, Námo goes to Manwë, who seeks the counsel of Ilúvatar. Thus, Lúthien is given two choices: being released from Mandos and dwell in Valimar until the end of the world; or choosing the Gift of Men, being returned to Middle-Earth, growing old and eventually leaving the world forever together with Beren.
    This doom she chose, forsaking the Blessed Realm, and putting aside all claim to kinship with those that dwell there; that thus whatever grief might lie in wait, the fates of Beren and Lúthien might be joined, and their paths lead together beyond the confines of the world. So it was that alone of the Eldalië she has died indeed, and left the world long ago. Yet in her choice the Two Kindreds have been joined; and she is the forerunner of many in whom the Eldar see yet, thought all the world is changed, the likeness of Lúthien the beloved, whom they have lost.
