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Headscratchers / The 7th Guest

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  • In The 11th Hour, Samantha mentions she suffered a raging infection thanks to a back-alley abortion and this is why she's in a wheelchair. Doc Thornton says that Samantha's family has a lot of influence in town (and presumably money) so why wouldn't they pay for their daughter to get top medical care? Stauf may have been behind Samantha's paralysis, but going to a back-alley clinic for an abortion seems pretty stupid.
    • It's possible she had a back alley abortion to avoid having her parents know about it (either the pregnancy or her desire to terminate it)

  • The 11th Hour was released and is presumably set in 1995. We see that Samantha is somehow watching Robin enter the house and able to spy on her once she's inside, as she tells Carl that Robin has sided with Stauf. How the heck is she doing this? There are no cameras to livestream footage, Stauf certainly doesn't have any in his own mansion, and one would think that he'd be powerful enough to stop her in any case.

  • Similarly, how does Samantha hack her way into the TV at the end? This isn't something Stauf set up as a choice, since his reaction to Samantha's appearance is the closest to an Oh, Crap! moment he has in the entire series.
    • She's "tele-psychic", according to the manual. Though that's more of a Hand Wave.
