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Headscratchers / Pokémon: The First Movie

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  • Is Mewtwo able to read minds or not? In the English version it's implied that he read the scientists minds and was disgusted with how they felt about him. However, everything he felt and said then could simply be inferred from them being careless and him being highly intelligent and already understanding a lot of concepts. Later on, he asks Mew if she's afraid of finding out if he's greater than her. We the audience don't really know what Mew feels there. Is there any reason why he couldn't read Mew's mind? If he could read most minds but not hers, wouldn't that imply that Mew was able to stop him with her own powers and have been a flag to him that he was weaker than Mew? Or at least equal? And what about the Japanese version? I also feel that in the series' sequel, it's implied that Mewtwo read Giovanni's mind, and that perhaps there was a bomb or something there. Can Mewtwo read minds or not? And if so, is there some kind of limitation implied?
    • Mew also being a Psychic type themselves, and an especially powerful one, could probably resist a mind-reading attempt, and even if not, the tone of "voice" indicates Mewtwo was taunting them, rather than legitimately asking. In other words, it was a rhetorical question rather than a serious one. On top of that, Mewtwo was likely too self-assured of his own superiority to bother with mind-reading at that specific moment anyway.
  • Mewtwo wants Pokemon Trainers to come to his Island so he can steal and clone their Pokemon... Then Mewtwo conjures a storm that prevents all but the most hardcore trainers from heading to his Island... What was Mewtwo's plan if everyone listened to Officer Jenny and never went there? Sure he'd still have his cloned Charizard, Blastoise and Venusaur, but it wouldn't be enough for him to follow through his master plan of wiping away Humanity and non-Cloned Pokemon.
  • If Mewtwo already has a cloned Charizard, why does he capture Ash's Charizard among all the other cloned Pokemon. Same goes for "Bruteroot" and "Shellshocker".
    • Likely to keep them away from their trainers. Or maybe he needed more DNA samples.
