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Headscratchers / Paper Mario: The Origami King

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  • Why did King Olly and his forces mess with the Ice Vellumental Temple but leave the rest of Diamond Island completely untouched? For that matter, how did they even get into Diamond Island without the key?
    • It's implied that King Olly can mess with the paper world as he pleases (note how he created big bottomless holes in the entire world), so I assume he just folded the door or the glass ceiling to invade Diamond Island. For the trials, I assume he just wasn't aware of its relevance, and even if he had been, he propably would not have cared.
  • In the third chapter, it's revealed that Hole Punch stole the sun from the sky. However, if the sun is missing, why isn't the entire world locked in nighttime until the sun is restored to its place?
    • Papercraft world, each area probably has its own sky, like a diorama. Don't think too hard about the consequences.
  • Shangra-Spa. How does anything about that place make sense? To get there you either have to fly or: 1:Go around the kingdom to get the powers of the vellumentals, 2: Go around the sea and find statues that tell you where to go, 3: Find a special key and go beneath the oceans surface (something Mario needed to use a museum piece for), 4: pass trials to get orbs that act as keys, 5: take those orbs to a random tower, 6: solve puzzles to climb said tower 7: use the power of the vellumentals to hit four random switches, and 8: pay a large fee. how is anyone besides some sort of chosen one supposed to get up there, much less be able (and willing) to fork over that much cash for a soak in some hot springs?
    • It's very clear that the Toads who run the spa are out-of-touch with reality. They probably made it, thinking that the 'trials' they put in place are a fun challenge, and didn't realise how impossible they are for normal people. That, and the spa was clearly around since the Acient Times, considering the Super Marino used to the spa's personal submarine before Captain T. Ode stole it, and Ode is an Ancient One, and it's said that King Shroomses was a patron of the spa as well.
  • Olivia having the ability to fold herself into a giant hammer included with her design raises quite a few questions. First of all, why did the craftsman even think this kind of ability was neccessary in the first place? Sure, it comes in handy right at the perfect time, but his wording seems to imply it has always been part of his plans for her, regardless of Olly's conquest. What did he originally want her to do with it? Aditionally, since Olly's and Olivia's designs are very similar in a lot of instances, does that mean Olly has a similar ability put into him? And since the craftsman had to show Olivia instructions on how to access it, did the mushroom kingdom maybe just get lucky Olly had no idea he can turn into some kind of superweapon?
    • Perhaps she was meant to be a sort of superpowered weapon for Olly to use in defense of their people (something like the Sword of Dios from Revolutionary Girl Utena). In times of great need, she could use her hammer form to act as the ultimate power for the brave hero who will save their people
  • Some text in the game suggests the Vellumentals weren't always origami. If that's the case, then where did the Bibliofolds come from and why were they made?
    • Maybe the Vellumentals can fold into origami at will, but Olly's tampering and desire to master their powers led to him folding them forcibly, which messed with the Vellumentals' mental state. The Bibliofolds could possibly be the Vellumentals' power to transform into origami made physical for anyone with the power to copy. If not that, then maybe Olly made the Bibliofolds as a by-product of turning the Vellumentals into origami to use their powers, and upon defeat, the Vellumentals become the books in physical form.
