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Headscratchers / Mogeko Castle

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Unmarked spoilers ahead! You Have Been Warned.

  • So how was it possible for Yonaka to curb-stomp King mogeko, when Nega-Mogeko couldn't do a thing to him in the end?
    • Even more sewere with Moge-ko. She has a Deflector Shield able to stop an RPG-7.
  • Why is Nega-Mogeko the only special Mogeko who got branded as defector? The other special Mogekos have a fair share of decency too.
  • Are there any female Mogekos? Prosciutto Fairy seems to be the only one hinted towards being female gender...
  • How do King mogeko's eyes merge into a sigle big one? Or rather, which one is his true eye(s)?
