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Headscratchers / Life Is Strange: True Colors

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     "The way I hear it, you were the one who cut the rope!" The way you heard it from who, Mac? 
  • Who told Mac that Ryan cut Gabe's rope? The only witnesses to that were Ryan, Alex, and Ethan. Presumably Ryan didn't tell Mac about that, so did Alex or Ethan tell him? Why would either of them have done that?
    • It doesn't take long for word to get out in a small town like Haven Springs. Ryan would of had to explain what he had done during the investigation into Gabe's death, and it's possible that whoever was overseeing that ended up passing on the details to someone else, who in turn told someone else and that's all that's needed for supposedly private information to get out into the public.
     Ryan's Anger 
  • Why didn't Alex get overwhelmed with anger when tapping into Ryan's, towards the end of chapter 2?
