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Headscratchers / It's not the Raptor DNA

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  • When Owen is re-introducing Blue, Echo, and Delta to Elise in Chapter 21, how come Blue acts surprised that the Indominus is now part of their pack? Shouldn't she already know this (seeing as she and her sisters were present when Elise accepted Owen's offer to join the Raptor Squad back in Chapter 3)?
    • All Blue knew was that Elise and the Raptor Pack had left on good terms, like Rexy and Blue did in the movie - peacefully leaving without violence, but not friends. A silent "You leave me alone, I leave you alone" deal, if you will. So when she found herself and her pack in "White One"'s territory, she had feared that Owen wanted a fight again. Also, Blue doesn't understand complex English sentences, only short commands, and short sentences with social clues. So, Blue didn't understand that Owen was asking Elise to join the pack. To Blue, Owen was speaking gibberish, so all she knew at the time was that her alpha was convincing "White One" to stop her rampage.
