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Headscratchers / Dragonbored

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  • People get sick because meat was cleaned in the toilet before cooking. Since toilet water comes from the same source as all other household water, how did that happen? It was obviously clean enough for Jimbo to mistake it for an "ivory water basin" so that's not it.
    • It's possible that he washed it in the sink (the meaning of "toiletries" has changed over time) and her sickness was purely psychological due to Squick.
    • Just because its from the same source doesn't mean its clean. Given how lazy Carl is, its possible the toilet isn't well cleaned, which would allow enough bacteria (given he's from a medeival time, he's probably got lower standards on what is 'clean') to grow to make the goose sickly.
    • It would be difficult to believe that Jessica would allow the toilet to be that unclean since she lives there as well. In fact, it's been proven numerous times that the toilet is one of the cleanest things in the house. As stated above, it is more likely a psychological reaction.
