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Headscratchers / Dragon Quest

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  • Why the hell would a bard need such an elaborate tomb? Sure, his silver harp summons monsters, but nobody in their right mind would want to use it. Dragon Lord? He's already commanding the monsters. The only thing that would make sense is that it'd sell like crazy. And that's only if the buyer was stupid enough not to know about the legend about a world-famous bard, which is quite unlikely.
  • Why do shopkeepers keep buying Cursed Belts from the hero (these can be farmed for cash early on, in fact). They pay good money for something that even says it's cursed. Who's buying these things?
    • Probably any priest capable of benediction would buy the cursed belt at a discount, remove the curse, and be left with a perfectly functional belt.
    • Also given that you can sell allegedly haunted items at a premium in real life, there could be a similar appeal in Alefgard.
