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Headscratchers / Digimon Adventure 02: The Beginning

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  • Lui is shown to have become partnered with Ukkomon in 1996. However, based on what was shown in tri., Daigo and Maki would have had their partners around a decade earlier, based on their ages in the present. Was the nature of their partnership different?
    • It could mean in the sense that Ukkomon was created in the reboot of the original Digidestined hence making him the first partner digimon of the rebooted digital world.
    • Alternatively, if Homeostasis was the higher power, it could be that they used Digital World and the Human World time difference to pull a stable time-loop.
  • The idea that the DigiDestined would be hounded by police for trying to interfere with the giant Digi Egg, as well as the kids themselves not wanting to interact with them at all, strains credibility to the breaking point. The Chosen Children are the only people you would want investigating or otherwise messing with such an object. Wouldn't the Japanese government at minimum want to keep close communication with the 02 group, as with Tai and Matt effectively forced into retirement and Omni/Omegamon no longer an option, Imperialdramon is now explicitly the strongest allied Digimon available?
    • The police probably wanted to question Lui about his climbing of the tower.
      • That doesn't address the issue, though - Lui is a DigiDestined, even if his Digivice is broken, and the DigiDestined are the only people qualified to do any sort of investigation on Ukkomon's egg. The conversation should start and end with the 02 crew confirming Lui is one of them. If the police still somehow had a problem with it and insisted on taking someone to be questioned, Izzy would be on the case almost immediately as Lui's Digivice was visible on the TV. The police seem to only be used as a contrived reason to change which location Lui is explaining his backstory to everyone else.
      • The police likely didn't make out any signs of him having a digivice and the crew likely didn't want to deal with all the bureaucratic red tape.
  • The epilogue for Digimon Adventure 02 shows that eventually everyone in the world gets a Digimon partner. The plot for this movie is that Ukkomon is trying to give everyone in the world a Digimon partner by making them DigiDestined. Those are not necessarily the same thing, but it seems pretty disingenuous to make this movie come this close to the "canon" epilogue only to avoid it at the last second. The kids even argue that everyone in the world having a Digimon would be a bad thing.
    • The main argument against it seems to be that it would be instantaneous and cause massive chaos and havoc. The movie makes reference to the number naturally doubling every year, so by the time of the epilogue, human society would have been able to gradually adjust to more and more people having Digimon. The crew is not necessarily opposed to everyone eventually having Digimon in and of itself, they're opposed to it happening now, before the world is ready.
  • Ukkomon being the reason that everyone is a Digimon owner doesn't really make sense, if we consider that we already learned in previous movies that Homeostasis takes Children that have seen Digimon, the second generation being those that saw the battle of Highton View Terrace of Red Greymon versus Parrotmon and the third generation being people that saw Omnimon versus Diaboromon, as the primary factor. So how does Ukkomon fit there? From where does it even come from?
    • The movie itself is ambiguous in what kind of role Ukkomon has in creating new partners. Ukkomon mentions multiple times that he's just answering to a higher power, which is speculated by the children to be Homeostasis, but nothing conclusive was mentioned. It could be that Homeostasis used Ukkomon as their agent on the human world as a way to add a "human" element to the mix, in which Digimon wouldn't be forced upon unwilling partners (which is an important plot point towards the end of the movie, how "forcing" every single human to have a Digimon in 2012 would just lead to chaos and unhappiness), and instead given to children who actually had the need for a friend and/or protector.
