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Headscratchers / Candle Cove

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As a Headscratchers subpage, all spoilers are unmarked as per policy. You Have Been Warned.

  • I'm very curious... what's the bad guy's intent with Janice? I don't mean the Skin-Taker's. His reasons for going after Janice are very clear. But they never explain why, before summoning Skin-Taker, Horace was always trying to kidnap her. I'm honestly open to any reasoning you guys have.
    • Didn't Horace once say something about wanting to kidnap Janice for ransom because he thought her family was rich? It would make sense, considering how he's not too bright. Although I think I also remember something about him wanting to marry her? Which if that's the case is... rather creepy.
  • I think the one thing that everyone who has seen the show keeps wondering is just what's up with the infamous "Screaming Episode"? To elaborate: the only thing that happens is takes of the various puppets on the show shaking spasmodically and constantly screaming, while Janice just lies there crying, like she's been enduring this for hours. A lot of people who saw the episode had the impression that they just had a weird nightmare, only to find out it was anything but.
