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Funny / The First Men in the Moon

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1964 Film Version

  • When the astronauts find the British flag, and hold it up for their British compatriot to see.
    British Astronaut: (genuinely surprised) I didn't do it!
  • Cavor loves his geese, but for some reason can't stand chickens.
    Cavor: (every time he's in the presence of a chicken) I detest chickens!
  • "GIBBS!!"
  • While Professor Cavor is trying to get Mr. Bedford down from the celling with a ladder.
    Bedford: (sees Cavor and Gibbs trying to get the ladder through the door) Never mind the ladder!
    Cavor: (pauses for a moment, then turns back to Gibbs without skipping a beat) Gibbs, you're an idiot.
  • Cavor's opinion of Kate thinking a gun is a good thing to have along on a trip to the Moon.
    Cavor: Madam, the chances of bagging an elephant on the Moon are remote.
  • While Cavor's attempt to explain the human concept of war to the Selenites Grand Lunar is played very seriously. His opening statement comes across as surprisingly funny.
    Cavor Tell you of war? Oh, my goodness. Well, it usually starts with a whacking great explosion.
