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Funny / The Birds

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There are two completely unrelated stories, from different eras, by this name.

The Aristophanes play

  • The hilariously OTT bogus soothsayer (whose oracle is all about what to give the first soothsayer who comes to Cloudcuckooland), and how Peisthetaerus sorts him out.
  • When talking about making offerings to the birds:
    Peisthetaerus: Is a goat being slain for King Zeus, there is a King-Bird, the wren, to whom the sacrifice of a male gnat is due before Zeus himself even.
    Euelpides: This notion of an immolated gnat delights me!
  • Some of the Take Thats Aristophanes throws in if you know the history of the time.
  • Euelpides' idea of the trouble he wouldn't mind. Peisthetaerus, however, does not qualify due to Values Dissonance.

The Hitchcock film

  • Melanie Daniels and Mitch Brenner's sniping back and forth in the pet store.
  • The lovebirds swaying back and forth with every turn Melanie's car makes.
  • When Melanie is trying to find out the name of Mitch's little sister from the residents of Bodega Bay, the two men she first asks are both dead certain it's "Alice" or "Lois". The schoolteacher eventually tell's her it's "Cathy". They barely got a letter right!
  • The gas station attendant being taken out with one bird.
  • "It's the end o' the world!"
  • The trailer has Hitchcock give a lecture about how man has benefited from the hunting and capturing of birds, before a flock storms to attack.
    • That whole trailer is tongue-in-cheek done to perfection; one specific moment has Hitchcock talk about chicken eggs, and how he won't go into "which came first" because he prefers not to deal with "controversial subjects." Right.
