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Funny / Super Solvers

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  • Morty's cutscenes are almost always hilarious, the way he hams it up and scolds his minions. One of his best lines comes from the Windows version of Outnumbered!, when he gets so mad at his minion Telly that he goes full-on Saturday-morning-cartoon-villain:
    Morty Maxwell: You can distract the Super Solver by launching your CDs!
    Telly shoots a CD at Morty
  • Spellbound allows the player to make custom spelling lists. Cue children making custom spelling lists consisting of gibberish, swear words, bodily functions... or taking advantage of the Mad Libs Dialogue where they spell the words out to insult the players or themselves.
    Announcer: Please spell the following flashed word: Imapos
    Contestant I-AM-A-PEE-OH-ESS.
    Announcer: Great job! Contestant number two... please spell the following flashed word: Fuunu
    Contestant: Eff You You En You!"
    Announcer: Great job!
  • Some of the misspellings in Spellbound are rather funny - but they at least do make an effort to transpose one letter or at least swap a letter out with something else. This results in something such as "Bench" being spelled as "Binch".
  • In "Treasure Math Storm", the later releases included voice acting. In the balancing challenge, you can make the person's voice clips repeatedly clip over one another, resulting in "What's in the-what's in the-what's in the-what's in the green bag, is less than -what's in the green bag is greater than-what's in the-what's in the-what's in the green bag...."
