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Funny / Rogues (DC Comics)

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  • Sam getting mistaken for Gorilla Grodd.
  • The Trickster originally said he wasn't interested in joining the pitch meeting. Only to then show up with a quip of "That's the trick."
  • There's some visual humor in the photo Leonard has of Gorilla Grodd LEAPING at the camera. Whoever took that picture clearly didn't make it out.
  • One thing that Lisa asks her brother as they sail down the rivers of Africa is, "When did you learn how to captain a boat? Is that why you call yourself Captain Cold?
  • Cold proclaims that they've reached Gorilla City...only to find a treetop village. The other crew members instantly are upset at how stupid Snart was to lead them out to this for a "heist".
    • Trickster though is genuinely amused by the he can spot a trick when it's there, and promptly leads them to the REAL Gorilla City.
