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Funny / Pokémon: Path to the Peak

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The Club


  • Ava's mom loudly whispers to her daughter that she packed her baby powder for her rashes.
  • Ava's dad going Fanboy at the regionals when he spots a Pikachu hat to get for himself.
    • His embarrassing defeat by Celestine is emphasized by him getting lost in imagination land by twirling his fingers around his head.
  • Ava's first match is against a kid who knows the feelings about feeling sick in their first regional event, because he himself puked. Cue a wide-eyed stare from him for several seconds before he comes back to.
    • When he's defeated, he wishes Ava good luck and takes his leave so he can puke.


  • During the viral video that Joshua uploaded, it shows a shot of the three kids playing at Ava's house, except Celestine has an avocado face mask. She protests that Ava wasn't supposed to show that photo.
  • Ava's dad singing "Pokémon World" in the car ride to Internationals. All three kids are embarrassed, with Joshua and Celestine awkwardly staring out of the window while a mortified Ava buries her head in her hands. Cut to later in the drive... and they're all singing along.


  • Ava's mom revealing very dramatically that she was a Pokémon TCG player, which is incredibly obvious to Ava due to her "ancient" Pokémon cards.
    • The flashback shows Ava's mom's downfall against a friendly-looking kid who suddenly becomes a full-blown villain with a Pikachu that mocks Ava's mom before defeating her, all in slow-mo.
