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Funny / Mr. Bean: The Animated Series

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  • Basically anytime Mrs. Wicket gets angry, especially when she screams and scares the birds outside her flat.
  • In "Keyboard Capers", Bean wants to play the Beethoven's 5th Symphony on his piano, but he gets the notes wrong. What does Bean do? Enter in a fit of rage banging his piano keyboards, annoying Mrs. Wicket downstairs, then throws a tantrum by banging the floor with a chair, until he hears Wicket's roar.
  • In "Super Trolley", Mr. Bean purchases the things ordered by Mrs. Wicket, as well as POP! cereal (which he initially came for), but when the shopping cart gets stuck, Bean uses olive oil as a lubricant to help move it along, which the grocery store manager tells him to pay for until slipping on it and crashing into the storeroom.
    • Near the end of the episode where Bean successfully completes Wicket's shopping list as well as his, where it turns out that he gave Mrs. Wicket dog food instead of cat food for Scrapper. Cue an angry Wicket yelling "MR. BEAN!"
  • In "Dead Cat", Mrs. Wicket notices that her cat Scrapper has fleas, then she bathes her cat, but notices that the cat is not Scrapper.
  • In "Inventor", Mr. Bean messes up the inventor's robot waiter which causes the robot waiter to drop food over Mrs. Wicket who blames the latter with a "How dare you!".
  • "Big TV" has hilariously funny scenes involving Mr. Bean and Irma fighting over a TV channel at the point of resulting the TV to explode. Mr. Bean wants to watch an spaceship program while Irma wants to hear Andre's music.
  • In "Wanted", Mrs. Wicket forces Mr. Bean's criminal doppelganger to cut the grass with clippers when the lawnmower stops working. Come nighttime, the criminal doppelganger gets tired and Wicket urges him to continue cutting the grass, causing him to let out a hilariously agonizing scream in frustration and run away. Mrs. Wicket's "Eh?" afterwards sells the moment.
  • "Ray of Sunshine" has Mr. Bean chasing the eponymous ray all across London, even going to the countryside. He even sunbathes under it in the most hilariously inopportune moments, like in the middle of wedding photo being taken or in an association football field with an ongoing match.
