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Funny / Interview with the Vampire (2022)

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  • Daniel's wit in the first episode gets a good showing:
    Louis: You've had some health concerns of late.
    Daniel: Whole planet's having a moment, I'd say.
  • In the first episode, Louis has to deal with unforeseen circumstances at one of his brothels - namely, that the local alderman sodomized one of his ladies, and she not only beat him up but also decided to, as delicately put as possible, deposit the end products of her dinner upon his crotch.
  • In the second episode, as dinner wraps up, Louis brings in a guy who looks like a bouncer for a Berlin techno bar. As Louis feeds on his neck, the guy... dispassionately looks at Daniel, asks how he likes Dubai, and recommends Kite Beach ("They have kites"). Once Louis is done feeding, the guy gets up... and, severely anemic, stumbles and collapses a few feet from the table, having to be carted out by Rashid. Not exactly the rapturous and ecstatic feeding one expects.
  • As Louis recounts a story about being left alone with his infant nephew, he suddenly breaks off and goes off on a long tangent about how he no longer kills humans in order to feed and prides himself on his restraint. Danny keeps trying to interrupt him to ask what pretty much everyone in the audience is wondering: "Did you eat the baby?"
  • Despite the entire endeavour being treated with a pretty solid air of tragedy by Louis in the present, Louis and Lestat coming to the simultaneous realization that giving a fourteen-year-old with no impulse control, teenage girl hormones, and a bottomless pit of a stomach the blood hunger and powers of a vampire might not have been the greatest idea is utterly hysterical.
    Claudia: [having drained a man twice her size not five minutes prior, whining] I think I'm gonna die. Is that how vampires die? From starvation?
  • Despite being very disturbing, and a sure sign that Louis' decision to turn Claudia probably wasn't a great one, Claudia's attempts to hide the body parts she took from the 56 people she killed from the police while drunk off of her latest victim's blood are still hilarious in how catastrophically they fail. Every area in her room she tries to hide a trophy she forgot about only reveals more and more of them, ending in her discovering a man she forgot to kill still bleeding and moaning in her wardrobe.
    • To add to the comedy, this doesn't even get her caught, the policeman walks into her room while she feigns getting changed and exits mortified and none the wiser when she scolds him for walking into a young girl's room unannounced.
    • This enjoyment of body part trophies gets a callback long after Claudia's ceased her serial murders, when Lestat comes bearing Antoinette's cut-off finger (with ring still attached) in an attempt to basically bribe her into not prying further into whether or not he really killed her.
  • Episode four features Lestat, Louis, and Claudia laughing their heads off at a picture show. The picture in question? Nosferatu!
  • In hindsight Louis feeding from Rashid as Daniel eats across the table from them becomes this, with the reveal that Rashid is actually the vampire Armand - as feeding from each other is a vampire version of sex. Right in front of Daniel.
