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Funny / Civil War (2024)

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  • After Jessie's first major encounter with an atrocity, Lee goes off on a tangent about how she needs to toughen up if she wants to survive as a journalist, which is interrupted when she realizes that Jessie is crying. She then makes a comment about how the backseat of their car has now become "a kindergarten and an old people's home", delivered with the tone of an exhausted mother on a road trip trying to wrangle a misbehaving child. Joel responds with a simple "What the fuck."
  • The Casual Danger Dialogue exchanged between Joel and the spotter at the abandoned Christmas fair provides some moments of humor, particularly when Joel clarifies that he and his colleagues are press. The spotter responds with a nonchalant "cool" and sarcastically notes that he now understands why it's written on the side of their vehicle. After some more conversation between them, the spotter's sniper partner, who'd been completely silent up to that part, bluntly tells both of them to shut the fuck up.
  • While on the road, the group end up running into Tony and Bohai, two colleagues of theirs from Hong Kong. Joel tries to brush off their presence, but Sammy immediately calls bullshit and asks if Joel told them where the group was planning on going back in New York. Lee repeats the question to Tony, who gleefully responds that Joel apparently got very drunk that night at the hotel lobby after she had left. Needless to say, Lee is not amused by this.
    Joel: Oh, fuck...
    Lee: You're a dick.
    Joel: [sheepishly] Look, I must've been so wasted.
  • The absolute Black Comedy of the final scene between Joel and a groveling President.
    Joel: I need a quote.
    The President: Please don't let them kill me!
    Joel: Yeah. That'll do. (watches as the Western Forces grab the President and kill him)
