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Funny / A Little Chaos

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  • Philippe, Duc d'Orleans' flamboyant entrance.
    Philippe: Give me a kiss instantly, or I shall take grave offense.

    Philippe: What is a woman with such restrained sophistication doing with Andre here? I speak from the opposite end of the fashion scale. I don't apologize for it, I like it about myself. Answer, madame, stop me talking.

    Philippe: I simply do as I am told. Ever down to marrying large German women. Though, I confess, I like her better than my last wife, who is dead as a door-nail now, thank God.

  • When the King pretends to be his gardener, Sabine is suspicious.
    Sabine: I think the master is playing a trick on me.
    King Louis XIV: A trick?
    Sabine: Well, yes, I do know of your book on pears.
    King Louis XIV: My book on pears? (beat) Oh yes, I have written a book on pears.
