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Trivia / A Little Chaos

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  • Actor-Inspired Element:
    • Alan Rickman is known to be an intimidating figure with a heart of gold, much like the characterization of King Louis XIV.
  • Hide Your Pregnancy: Kate Winslet was in her first trimester during filming, and had to work with the costume designer to slowly tweak the outfits. She even performed her own stunt of falling into the weir with freezing cold water at fourteen weeks pregnant.
  • California Doubling: Although the movie is set in France, for budget and practical reasons, it was filmed in England.
  • Dawson Casting: Andre Le Notre was aged several decades younger, as the real Le Notre was in his 70s when he completed the garden.
  • Directed by Cast Member: Alan Rickman directs and plays King Louis XIV.
  • Fake Nationality: French characters are played by British actors.
  • I Want You to Meet an Old Friend of Mine: Alan Rickman cast several of his oldest friends to be in the film.
