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Fridge / Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty

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  • The five elements represent what they are like in nature:
    • Wood magic focuses on utility buffing, and boosts HP, spirit defense, and spell duration the most. Wood tends to represent a strong building foundation.
    • Fire magic focuses on offensive spells and buffs, boosts attack spirit gain rate, and lowers martial arts consumption the most. Fire is aggressively destructive.
    • Earth magic focuses on defensive buffs, boosts deflect spirit gain rate, and weight load. Things like boulders, mountains, and sand are sturdy.
    • Metal magic focuses on debuffs, spirit sustainability, and decreases wizardry consumption rate. Most of its abilities are related to poison. Metals like copper and mercury can be bad for humans and is debilitating.
    • Water magic focuses on stealth, lowers deflection rate, and boosts ranged weaponry, but also has a few offensive magic. Water is fluid and versatile.
  • Why do all the Three Kingdom Rulers have servants with a variety of Nature Virtues? The things that separates the big three rulers Liu Bei, Cao Cao and Sun Quan are their abilities to utilize a variety of people to work for them, which makes them the long-runners in the end.
