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Fridge / The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari

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As a Fridge subpage, all spoilers are unmarked as per policy. You Have Been Warned.

Fridge Brilliance
  • When the angry mob pursues Cesare until he finally collapses, dead, it seems like sort of an Ass Pull of an anticlimactic death for such a terrible threat... until we remember that Cesare seems to have some kind of serious sleep disorder where he literally constantly sleeps unless awakened by Caligari. Since Caligari doesn't seem to give him much exercise (the boy's skin and bones), it's not surprising that he'd collapse from exhaustion after a relatively short run, especially after carrying someone around. This is literally the most exercise he's ever gotten!
  • Similarly, his going against Caligari's orders and carrying Jane away makes more sense when one considers his constant state of slumber means that he probably views reality as little different from a dream, often lacking reason or consequence.
