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Nightmare Fuel / The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari

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As a Moments subpage, all spoilers are unmarked as per policy. You Have Been Warned.

  • Cesare, played by Conrad Veidt in a wonderfully deranged performance.
  • The movie's set design is incredibly unnerving due to the crazy Bizarrchitecture.
    • Making things even worse is the nonchalant attitude the characters have toward it. At no point does anyone comment on the strangeness of how the city is designed, which lends to the surreal atmosphere of the film.
  • The scene of Alan's murder, particularly due to the fact we never see the murderer directly.
  • A rather creepy scene where Jane comes to the abandoned fair looking for her father. Dr.Caligari invites her to his (empty) tent and shows the girl Cesare awakening from his slumber, scaring Jane away.
  • The ending. While Through the Eyes of Madness endings like the one in this film have become a stock Twist Ending over the years, it is nonetheless a classic trope for its effectiveness, and this example is no exception.
