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Fridge / Spider-Man: Reign

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Fridge Horror

  • Mayor Waters mentions how the vegetal Kingpin is stored inside the mayoralty and brought to him once a year just so Waters can eat in front of him to torture him. At the end of the story, Kingpin was presumably still inside the building when Spider-Man destroyed it. Though considering his state, this may have been for the best.
  • The revelation that Peter Parker accidentally caused Mary Jane's death thanks to his radioactive semen can make one wonder if this is just a unique case to this reality's Spider-Man or if many other Mary Janes across the Marvel Multiverse are destined to die by exposure to Spidey's semen. We have seen the Earth-616's MJ sleeping with Peter and in Earth-982, Peter and MJ had two children. Are these two Mary Janes going to eventually die?
    • Spider-Man probably didn't just kill MJ: Other exes, like Black Cat, who is usually Spidey's first sexual partner, or Glory Grant must have also developed cancer.
