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Fridge / Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark

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Fridge Horror

  • Just when you thought the ending of Harold couldn't get any scarier, the realization kicks in...why is Harold laying out Thomas's skin to dry? Because he's going to use it to make himself a friend!
  • The family in "The Big Toe" cooks and eats a corpse's toe. What kind of people are they to eat some dead body's toe one of them finds?
  • The ghostly woman from The Dream was probably right about the inn: Lucy's room has trapdoor shaped carpets and boarded up windows.
  • As if "Oh, Susannah!" couldn't get any worse, the killer is still in the room at the end (he or she is the one humming the tune). So unless everything really is a dream, (s)he's probably going to add another innocent girl to his or her body count.
