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Fridge / JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: The JOJOLands

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    Fridge Brilliance 
  • Why is Jodio's Stand named after a song pertaining to the eleventh month of the year, rather than the ninth? Before the Gregorian calendar, there was the Roman calendar and the Julian calendar. The Roman calendar only had ten months, with November being the ninth, hence the prefix of Nov-, and the Julian calendar was the first to include July and August, named after Emperors Julius Caesar and Augustus. In essence, November Rain still pays tribute to the number 9 through what the month was originally conceived to be.
  • Why is Hawaii the main setting? Because it's an American state that has a notable Japanese population. And what is Jodio? An American with notable Japanese heritage.
  • Jodio like Johnny is a jockey, except he deals with drugs instead of horse races.
