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Fridge / Hollow Man

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Fridge Horror

  • What makes the scene where Sebastian gropes Sarah and rapes his neighbor so terrifying is that neither of them had any proof and thus no real recourse. Sarah suspects Sebastian certainly, but given how her top was closed and he was back in bed by the time she woke up, all she had were very circumstantial suspicions. If Sebastian has returned to his normal self and they all lived happily ever after, her confronting him with a loose button and a strange feeling is going to be perceived as sketchy at best and blatant lies at worst, especially as the two had been butting heads. And as for his neighbor, not only did she not have any idea at all what was going on, but what sane policeman or doctor in the world is going to believe that she was raped by the invisible man or a ghost? And even if they did believe her, the government isn't about to let the secret of its invisibility program out into the open. All Sebastian needs to do is threaten to call the newspapers or to sell his knowledge to another country for them to try and bury this scandal.

Fridge Logic

  • No one thought to give Sebastian a sleep mask after learning he can see through his eyelids, therefore having trouble going to sleep?
