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Drinking Game / The (Not So) Cynical Creators Guild

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  • Take a shot every time someone posts in the theme suggestions thread.
  • Take a shot every time Dyslexic Foal mentions an old movie literally no one else has heard of.
  • Take two shots every time Officer Hotpants makes an innuendo.
  • Take two shots every time Mystical Rainboom says something confusing.
  • Take three shots every time a Star Wars, MCU, or SpongeBob SquarePants meme is posted.
  • Take three shots every time drama happens.
  • Take three shots every time a TF2 thread is posted.
  • Drink the whole bottle every time a meme that ISN'T Star Wars, MCU, or SpongeBob SquarePants is posted.
  • Drink the whole bottle every time a thread is just a youtube/videogame/movie quote.
  • Drink two bottles every time a Jontron thread is posted.
  • Drink the entire case every time The Cynical Brony actually shows up.
  • Drink 3 entire case if someone actually brings up something to do with My Little Pony.
  • Take a shot whenever Eskereta post a furry video that creeps out some but turns on others (and by others, it's mostly him).
  • Take a small shot everytime Mystic uses "XD" [Warning: Extremely Dangerous;Not Reccomended]
