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Drinking Game / Avatar: The Last Airbender (2024)

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Par Avatar tradition, tea or shots containing the player's tea of choice is recommended for this drinking game.

  • For those familiar with the original "Avatar: The Last Airbender", take a shot for every Mythology Gag spotted and Adaptation Distillation or other change noted.
  • Take a sip whenever a Firebender burns someone and a shot if they kill someone. You may choose per person or per attack depending on the strength of your liver. Just be wary of the Air Nomad genocide when watching the first episode.
  • Take a shot everytime it's mentioned how dark and isolationist the world has become because of the war.
  • Take a shot whenever Aang expresses fear or overall uneasiness with being the Avatar.
  • Take a shot whenever Aang is blamed for the state of the world or if Aang blames himself.
  • Take a shot whenever Zuko acts like a Royal Brat.
  • Optional: Whenever Ozai shows up take a shot with the spiciest ingredient on hand added or chased with the shot. You can also do this for Azula if you wish.
  • If you opt out of Azula's Adaptational Early Appearance challenge, take a shot whenever she displays moments of insecurity, inadequacy, or feeling like she's being unfavorably compared to Zuko.
