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Dethroning Moment / Least I Could Do

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Least I Could Do: a fitting name considering the moments below.

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  • Sign your entries
  • One moment per work to a troper, if multiple entries are signed to the same troper the more recent one will be cut.
  • Moments only, no "just everything he said," or "This entire comic," entries.
  • No contesting entries. This is subjective, the entry is their opinion.
  • No natter. As above, anything contesting an entry will be cut, and anything that's just contributing more can be made its own entry.
  • Explain why it's a Dethroning Moment of Suck.
  • No ALLCAPS, no bold, and no italics unless it's the title of a work. We are not yelling the DMoSs out loud.

  • Ometta7: I thought Least I Could Do was pretty funny when it was in it's earlier stages, back when Rayne didn't get laid every. damn. time. Over time, I started to notice how Summers was becoming Sohmer's vehicle to live out his frustrated hopes and dreams and how nothing seemed to work against him anymore. I put up with it, and even defended the comics as harmless fun whenever somebody criticized them in front of me, but the last straw came during that painfully-long and boring story arc they had recently where Rayne goes to a brothel and requests a midget prostitute. He spends like five strips telling her how big his dick is and how he's worried he'll kill her with it. I stuck with it, thinking "Hey, maybe by the end this prostitute will reveal that he isn't so big, and maybe expose some of Rayne's insecurities for a more engaging story. This could be good." You can't believe how wrong I was. Not only does the arc end with the force of his thrusts pushing her through a wooden door, a few comics later(as if to mock me for assuming he would be more realistically portrayed and less wish-fulfillment) he actually sits down, stares right at the fourth wall, and says: "I'm just like you.....only better." Needless to say, I stopped reading it after such a disgusting display. Rayne used to be flawed, relatable, funny. Now it just makes me sick to look at his smug face.
  • Rothul: The thing that made me stop reading was when Marcie revealed to Rayne that she was dating a Native American, and Rayne, angry at the fact that she would dare try to have a relationship with someone other than him, started spewing a number of racist jokes at the man, including giving him some small-pox infected blankets. We're supposed to forgive him because he was hurt, or something, but you know what? If your character's response to having his feelings hurt is blind racism and mockery of friggin' genocide, that's not a character I want to be following, especially when he is so easily forgiven.
  • Conhale: This troper stopped reading during the recent "lesbian coworker" storyline, in which Rayne hears a rumor that a coworker is a Lesbian and then goes on a mad scavenger hunt for the person (including calling "Here lesbian lesbian lesbian" over the PA, like she was a dog), meeting them, and then somehow hitting it off and they do things such as play Battleship. While Rayne was always portrayed as a crazy guy who gets results, this was ridiculous. Similar to the Native American storyline mentioned above, this was extraordinarily out of line for anyone and why he never meets anyone who either genuinely finds him offensive or throws a lawsuit at him is beyond belief - anyone who does dislike Rayne is portrayed as a villain. He used to be eccentric; he can now get away with anything - the more outrageous the better.
  • InTheGallbladder: I gave up after the Fuckmageddon arc. The build-up was a bit obnoxious, yes, but I hung around to see how it panned out, especially as it could have had lasting repercussions on the 'verse and the characters. It does not. They cap it off with a few jokes about gay sex, and a transparently contrived Heartwarming Moment because heaven forbid Rayne should have a meaningful negative experience anymore.
  • DrGonzo And just to prove again that he's got a high horse up his ass, Sohmer's lashing out at the Brony community. Whether you like My Little Pony or not, this pretty much amounts to a personal attack on an entire group.
  • ElRodrigo: What killed this comic for me was Rayne going up on his high horse and bashing webcomic artists, all the while praising himself for not missing deadlines, while his niece watches on with a Smug Snake expression on her face. I think one reviewer who looked at Sohmer's work and came across this exact strip said it best: Ryan Sohmer needs to get the fuck over himself.
  • defender2222: The continued creation of Aborted Soap Box Story Arcs. Sohmer will spend a week or so bashing something and then have Rayne proclaim the perfect solution and "if only people would listen to him everything would be fixed!" But then he drops the arc completely, never mentioning it again and having the characters move on. The comic prides itself on continuity and yet doesn't bother with its own. In the last three years Rayne has said he'd buy a newspaper, buy a tv station, redo his entire company's payroll system, build free daycare, buy an aircraft carrier to deliver free food, and also have drones deliver free food. Not a single one of these storylines was ever revisited. It wouldn't be as annoying if it weren't for the fact that much of the cast has been utterly forgotten in the last 5 years (with mainstays like Noel, Mick, John, and Ashley almost completely forgotten about in favor of these Soap Box Story Arcs). Add into this the lazy Con Tales that are basically Sohmer making himself a character in the strike have unfunny adventures and the comic has become an utter drag.
