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Darth Wiki / Total Horse

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He's the fastest superhero in the wild, wild west / He can take on any villain, just put him to the test / Part of him's a human and a horse is the rest / This is Total Horse!
from the theme to Total Horse

Total Horse was born when Artemis Rampant had a dream. Most of that dream is completely forgotten at this point, but the superhero created because of the dream exists.

Jack Total was your average, every day cowboy living in the Wild West. One day he was riding through the desert dramatically in a freak lightening storm, when suddenly he got hit by magical lightning. When he woke up, he was fused to his horse; essentially, a centaur. The only logical course of action was to use his fight evil.

Being magically fused to his horse, Total Horse must internally battle his horse-y instincts. His is very easily distracted. For example, it doesn't matter how important it is that he get to his destination - a well-placed patch of delicious grass will stop him in his tracks.

Jack still lives his normal life, and nobody suspects that he is their hero. This is because he has a poorly constructed false horse head that he wears when off-duty, and a bandit-style domino when working. Improbable, but hey, whatever works.

A friend of Artemis Rampant saw the Total Horse theme song and was reminded of Birdplane. Thus it was decided that Birdplane is Total Horse's sidekick. There is a certain amount of Ho Yay between the two - the differences between them may or may not lead to Squick. Birdplane is mainly responsible for keeping Total Horse on track, and dealing with his angst over being an oxymoron (because his is not totally a horse).

Total Horse has been known to crossover with sexy lesbian superhero crossovers of Artemis Rampant and her friends. That, however, is a very long story.

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