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Beg The Dog / Revenge Films

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Some stories centered on the OP trying to survive an abusive family or partner eventually end with the abusive parties ending up in a troubling situation and begging their victims for help as they're about the only ones that can help them. However, the OP won't have any of their abuser/s' hogwash and will leave them on their own. Thus this warrants Revenge Films a Beg the Dog subpage.

  • "Wife’s cheating partner told me they had a kid and to divorce her…": Adam's wife's lover begged for mercy when Adam threatened to report him to the university and his parents for his cheating, moments after the bastard gloated to Adam about taking away his wife.
  • "I couldn’t stand my husband anymore, so I turned in the divorce papers without telling him": Kevin loses his bravado and gets reduced to begging his ex-wife Emily to not leave him when she brought up his cheating and subsequent firing, despite being an abusive bastard towards her in their marriage years. Understandably, Emily is having none of it and hangs up on him.
  • "My fiancée cheated on me with my boss so I caught them on tape and showed our colleagues": When Mark presented evidence of Rachel fabricating affair pictures of him and the incriminating email she sent to his former boss to sue Mark into oblivion, she turned blue in the face and begged Mark to not call the cops on her, but it was too late as he already did so.
  • "Mother-in-law tells nephew to pull my chair away when I'm pregnant as a joke": After Alisha's abusive mother-in-law was admitted to the cheapest, out-of-state care facility her sons could find for her in retaliation for causing Alisha's miscarriage, the old crone was eventually reduced to begging Alisha to get her out of there.
  • "Mom told me to take the fall for my sister…": After Ali was arrested for shoplifting and then kicked out of the house, her parents beg their other daughter, Katie, to stay when she was about to move out because the father got demoted. However, Katie tells them off after all the abuse they put her through and leaves.
  • "My family treated me like crap…": After becoming the No. 1 hostess in the club where Blair took her in, the OP's spoiled younger brother, Bob, called and begged her to give them money and brought up that she "promised" them despite all the abuse he and their parents put her through; it turned out their father lost his job and her family was struggling with a lot of debt. Unsurprisingly, the OP chews them out and hangs up on him.
  • "Wife cheats on husband...": After revealing DNA test papers to know if Ali wasn't his daughter and therefore he won't pay child support to his cheating wife if proven true, she begs him for forgiveness and claims she didn't mean any of the bullying she meted out on him, but he doesn't fall for it. The cheating wife also begs for forgiveness with the same result.
  • "Bride kicks out my brother saying that he is a cripple": After kicking Stephen and Rhea out of her wedding with Maxwell because of the latter's disability only to find out he was a famous CEO and Maxwell's best friend, Kendra calls Rhea begging for help because she's at risk of being fired and divorced by Maxwell for such a stunt. However, Rhea has none of her hogwash and hangs up on her.
  • "My dad was screwing my wife. My mom was congratulating them...": After Jack and Bruce's father ended up arrested with his reputation ruined after his rape of the latter's wife became publicly known, the brothers' mother begged the former to live together with her despite being just as abusive towards him and approving of her husband doing it with Jack's wife. As expected, Jack has none of it and lets her be thrown into the streets.
  • "When I was a child, my cousin was the meanest person growing up, but all the adults ignored it": After Karen succumbed to acute blood cancer and died, Henry's mom, who never stood up for him whenever Karen abused him since childhood, comes over to his apartment and begged him for a place to stay as Karen's family all lost their sanity over her death. However, Henry reminds her it's her responsibility to take care of them all since she stayed with them. When she reprimands him for "betraying" her and Karen, he reminds his mother that it was her who betrayed him.
  • "My sister lied that I was having an affair to cover up her own affair": Chloe calls Emily to beg for help after the former's husband learned she had an affair and framed the latter for it. Emily refused and hung up on her, but when Chloe entered her house to beg, she gave her a huge dressing-down for ruining her life in the past with her frame-ups until Chloe's husband showed up to take her back home. Eventually, Emily obliges and intercedes on her behalf, but this doesn't stop the man from chewing his cheating wife out and setting rules for her in response.
