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Awesome / The Trail to Oregon!

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  • Father, separated from the rest of the family, runs into General Store Guy again and, though initially hesitant and nervous, confronts the man. General Store Guy coolly responds with his usual fast-talking Snake Oil Salesman tactics, but Father refuses to fall for it, eventually going into full-on Let's Get Dangerous! mode:
    Father: Hey, you! You sold me a bad wagon!
    General Store Guy: No I didn't.
    Father: (grabs General Store Guy by the shirt collar) The wagon you sold me kept falling apart on us, and almost got my whole family killed. And if it weren't for you, we'd be in Oregon by now. So I think... (backs away, resumes a polite tone) I think you owe me a refund or something.
    General Store Guy: (scoffs) Me? Bad wagon? Sell you a bad wagon? Okay, well, in your opinion it was a bad wagon, but are you a carpenter, sir?
    Father: Nope.
    General Store Guy: Then what do you know about wagons anyways, you stupid idiot? No offense.
    Father: None taken.
    General Store Guy: All right. Since I'm such a nice guy, ha ha ha, lemme tell ya what I'm gonna do. All right, I am gonna fix you up with a new wagon, and boy, have I got the model for you. It is a brand new unit, I just picked it up on my way into town. Now, it was on fire when I found it, but I'm gonna give it to you for half price. Ah?
    Father: (after a rather unsettling Beat) That's the exact same wagon we abandoned a month ago.
    General Store Guy: Yeah, but I'm giving it to you for half price.
    Father: WE ALREADY PAID FOR IT! I want a new, quality wagon, with wheels that are circles, and I don't want any fancy upgrades like a horny ox or a floor window.
    General Store Guy: Ohhh—
    Father: "OHHH!" I want a sturdy wagon! And I want it... for free!
    General Store Guy: (laughing) They're right, you're funny sir, you're very funny. But please, tell me, why on earth would I ever give you a wagon for free?
    Father: Oh! I didn't think this through! I wasn't using my brain! I wasn't using my brain! Oh, Grandpa, I wasn't using my brain! Grandpa, I wasn't thinking at all! Oh my God, why would he ever do that? Why would he ever do that? Oh, I don't know—because if you don't, I'll kill ya. (points a rifle at General Store Guy)
  • This prompts Mother to rejoin the family and go on a speedrun to catch up to the Daughter. At one part she even jumps a river to get there faster.
