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Awesome / The Purge

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  • James taking out four strangers with his shotgun and an axe.
  • Zoey killing the Polite Stranger with every bullet she can squeeze out before he can do so to her family.
  • After the neighbors are brought under control, as morning starts to set in, Grace attempts one last desperate grab for the gun in the center of the dining room table, but in response, Mary smashing her face in, ruining it and pretty much crushing her nose.
    • Considering the fact that Mary has endured immense shit all night, and loses her husband, she had every right to do it and furiously tell her, "DIDN’T YOU HEAR WHAT I SAID!? NO MORE KILLING TONIGHT! Is that hard to understand?!"
  • The homeless guy saving the Sandins from being killed by the evil neighbors.
  • The Sandins are hated by their neighbors for their greater wealth and (allegedly) acting like they're better than everyone else. In the end, when the Sandins have every right to Pay Evil unto Evil, they refuse to engage in the Purge and in doing so prove they're better after all. And the scumbag neighbors now have to live with that knowledge. And assuming no one, either they or the Sandins, move out of the neighborhood, they will also have to contend with the fact that Mary and her family will be most definitely ready next year.
